How it Works

It is absolutely Free to register for an account and get a good look at how 360 Self-Aware works. There is no need to make a payment or give any credit card information.

build questions
Build Feedback Questions

From research and experience we have developed the core questions that you will be inviting people to give you feedback on. There is also an option for you to add additional feedback questions. Your participants will have two weeks to complete the feedback form. The survey includes a combination of multiple choice and narrative comments. All of these questions are designed to help you understand how people interact with you.

invite people
Invite Your Participants

The key to this tool will be inviting the right 10-15 people to give you feedback. To fulfill the idea of 360, these participants need to include colleagues, current or past superiors, current or past subordinates, and even a few friends and family. When you register for an account, you’ll be able to easily add names and email addresses into each of the above categories to ensure that you have balanced representation.

automated response
Automated Response Collection

With the names and email addresses you have provided, 360 Self-Aware will automatically email an invite for participants to give you anonymous feedback. From your profile dashboard you will see the number of people participating and the amount of feedback data points given. Throughout the two week period we will also send reminder emails to those that haven’t filled out the feedback form in order to boost the total number of participants.

business report
Learn From Your Feedback

After the survey period has ended AND you are satisfied with the number of responses you can make a payment to see your full report. The report includes narrative responses as well as charts and graphs of data points asked of your participants. You can now use this feedback to better understand how people perceive you. We might also suggest that you consider getting a coach to help walk through your results.

Effective Insights

The destination to self-awareness is a lifelong journey. You can kick-start that journey by inviting truthful and candid feedback from others that you interact with. Inviting participants to anonymously give you feedback will begin to unlock hidden behaviors and blindspots. At the same time, it will likely uncover strengths and talents you didn’t even realize you possessed. The process is easy, and risk free to get started.

self awareness survey
  • The core questions that we provide will get at the heart of how others perceive you.
  • You can add additional custom questions if there are specific areas you want to explore.
  • We guide you through the right amount of participants to select for each category.
  • Our automated email system will invite and send out reminders for participant feedback.
  • The feedback survey is concise and user friendly to boost participant engagement.
  • During the 2 week period you get live updates of stats and survey completions.
  • You don’t pay a penny until you are satisfied with the number of completed surveys.
  • Your final report includes graphs, tables of your statistics along with written feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a number of questions that we are often asked. However, if you have a question that you don't see here please don't hesitate to contact us using the form below.

Do I need to email participants the feedback form? (360 User)

When you enter in the names and emails of participants we will automatically email them an invitation and instructions. However, to maximize the amount of participants it's best if you indvidually email or text them letting them know that an email from 360 Self-Aware is on its way. Encourage them to check any spam folders in the event the emails accidentally ends up there. 

How much does it cost and when and how do I pay? (360 User)

The great thing is that it is completely FREE to set up your 360 Self-Aware assessment. That means that you can enter in all your questions and enter in your participants. After you complete the entire set up, we will automatically invite your participants to start giving you feedback. You will start to see the amounts of data coming back in, in real time, but You will not see any of the written results.  At the end of the two week survey period if you are satisfied with the number of completed surveys and total data feedback points you can purchase your report to see the feedback.   

Will I be able to know who gave me feedback and what they specifically said? (360 User)

No, you will not be able to know who filled out what information.  Anonymity is a key element in this process to get the most accurate results.  You will not be able to even tell who has responded and who hasn't.  In addition to that, the written responses are shuffled so that you can't try and determine who responded by finding patterns in written responses.

I work in HR or own a business, can I buy bulk codes or discounts for all the employees? (360 User)

Absolutely! Often times having everyone on a staff team grow in the area of self awareness is a huge competitive advantage. To inquire about bulk discount codes simply leave a comment in the contact form and we will work with you to serve your team at a discounted rate.

What if I have more questions or even ideas to make this better? (360 User)

We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions either before purchase or after purchase. If you have ideas or feedback to make this web app better please let us know by leaving a comment in the contact section.

Is my feedback really anonymous? (Feedback Participant)

Yes, Yes, Yes! The person you are providing feedback will not know the identity of any feedback.  Anonymity is a key element in this process to get the most accurate results for the client. The client will not even be able to tell who has responded and who hasn't. In addition, the written responses are shuffled so that the client can't try and determine who responded by finding patterns in written responses.

Can I answer some questions now and return later to finish them? (Feedback Participant)

Yes, your unique link that you recieved in your email will autosave your questions.  The entire survey is only about 25 questions so it shouldn’t take too long to complete.  We’re thankful that you are willing to take the time to be thorough and give constructive feedback so whether you do that in one sitting or come back later to complete is up to you.

Will they see my feedback as soon as I fill out the feedback form? (Feedback Participant)

No. Partly to protect anonymity, we don’t display any feedback to them until two weeks has elapsed from the start of their registration.  Also there needs to be  a minimum number of participants who have responded so that there are multiples feedback points. You are welcome to share with them that you completed the survey or keep that information private.  They will not be notified who has and has not completed a survey. 

Do I have to write answers or can I just do the multiple choice?(Feedback Participant)

Most questions are multiple choice with an option to leave additional feedback.  The written comments are not required, however some of the most impactful feedback is if you are willing to share a written comment to give them context. Often times sharing specific examples are most helpful.

What if the question from the doesn’t pertain at all or I haven't observed this trait or behavior? (Feedback Participant)

You have the option to skip questions on the survey that don’t pertain. If the question isn’t relevant this is actually preferred.  We just ask that you don’t skip questions in fear of answering a difficult question that requires constructive feedback. 

Affordable Price

As mentioned multiple times throughout this page, its totally free to register and set up an account. This allows you risk free to see if you will get feedback from the participants you invite. Only after you are satisfied with the amount of completed surveys and feedback are you given the opportunity to purchase your results and full report.

Free set up


  • 24 prepared questions
  • 3 custom questions
  • Unlimited number of participants
  •     Detailed result with infographic
  •     Multiple use


  • 24 prepared questions
  • 3 custom questions
  • Unlimited number of participants
  • Detailed result with infographic
  •     Multiple use
Business bulk


  • 24 prepared questions
  • 3 custom questions
  • Unlimited number of participants
  • Detailed result with infographic
  • Multiple use